Privacy Policy

The Southern Interior Construction Association’s Privacy Policy is a statement of principles and policies regarding the protection of personal information provided by SICA. The objective of The SICA Privacy Policy is to promote responsible and transparent personal information management practices in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act BC.                                                    

Section 1: Accountability

The Southern Interior Construction Association is responsible for personal information under its control and will designate one or more persons who are accountable for SICA’s compliance with the following principles.

Section 2: Identifying Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

SICA will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected at or before the time the information is collected.

Section 3: Obtaining Consent for Collection, Use or Disclosure of Personal Information

The knowledge and consent of an individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where exempted in the SICA Privacy Policy and/or applicable law. In certain circumstances personal information can be collected, used, or disclosed without the knowledge and consent of the individual.

Section 3A: Disclosure Connected to Tasks

In connection with certain tasks in order to facilitate the operations of SICA, we may disclose some or all of your personal information to our service providers. Before any personal information is disclosed, all recipient organizations must agree to protect the privacy of personal information in a contractual manner consistent with our policy and compliant with BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Section 4: Limiting Collection of Personal Information

SICA will limit the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by SICA. SICA will collect personal information by fair and lawful means.

Section 5: Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information

SICA will not use or disclose personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required or permitted by law. SICA will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.

Section 6: Accuracy of Personal Information

Personal information will be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

Section 7: Security Safeguards

SICA will protect personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Section 8: Openness Concerning Policies and Procedures

SICA will make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and procedures relating to the management of personal information.

Section 9: Access to Personal Information

SICA will inform an individual of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information upon request and will provide the individual access to that information except where inappropriate. An individual will be able to challenge the accurateness and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

Section 10: Challenging Compliance

An individual will be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the designated person or persons accountable for SICA’s compliance with the SICA Privacy Policy.

Website Privacy Policies

Usage Tracking

Our site may automatically record some general information about your visit which we use for statistical analysis to help make our site more useful to visitors. This information might include theInternet domain for your

  • Internet service provider, such as ‘company.com’ or ‘service.ca’ and the IP address of the computer accessing the website;
  • Type of browser you are using, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape;
  • Type of operating system you are using, such as Windows or Macintosh;
  • Date and time you visit our site and Web pages that you visit on our site, along with the address of the previous website you were visiting, if you linked to us from another website.


We also use “cookies” that identify you as a return visitor and which can help us tailor information to suit your individual preferences. A cookie is a piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store the cookie on your hard drive. The goal is to save you time and provide you with a more meaningful visit and to measure website activity. Cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. Many browsers, however, allow you to disable cookie collection if you wish, or inform you when a cookie is being stored on your hard drive.

Periodically our site may allow the use of third party cookies or similar technologies to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. It is not the practice of the SICA to provide any personally identifiable information to these third-parties.

Online transactions

We protect the security of your transactions on our website by Web server certificates that offer secure communications by encrypting all data going to and from the SICA website.

External Links

This policy discloses the privacy practices for our website. However, our site contains links to other sites. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy and security policies of the new site. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of all websites you visit.

Blogging Policy

Contributions to the SICA blog are open to SICA Member organizations and their employees.

About Content

Blog posts should offer original content, be respectful of organizations (in particular, confidential and proprietary information), customers and competitors.

Material referenced in a post, such as research, direct quotations or other source material should include either a direct link to the material cited or acknowledgment of the owner of the material (company name, research report, website, etc.) and date of publication where applicable.

Post length may vary depending on the subject matter, a general guideline is no longer than 1000 words for more substantive pieces. 

Approval Process

Please note that we review all submissions and comments and approve for publication.  Approved comments are generally posted during business hours only. SICA may close the comment option for a given post at any time.

We won’t post and/or will remove offensive, disrespectful, threatening or rude comments, or those that overly promote products and services, are off topic or are spam. Press releases and corporate communication pieces will not be published to the blog.

If you are submitting a post, please return to the site to see if it has been published.  Generally, submissions approved will be published within a two week period.  Posts of a time-sensitive nature will be given priority and we will make every effort to accommodate publication in a timely manner.


Please note that the views expressed in the blog are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the SICA.  We do not provide legal advice or opinions.

All comments, questions, concerns or complaints regarding your Personal Information or our Privacy Policy and Practices, should be forwarded to our Privacy Officer as follows.

In writing:

Attn: Privacy Officer
Southern Interior Construction Association
104 – 151 Commercial Drive

Kelowna, BC  V1X 7W2

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